Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Neptune by Kevin Leithauser

Hello, it’s April 20th 2420 and I am writing to you from the planet of Neptune. The new camps that are being set up are really working out well and I feel that we are making great progress in creating a settlement here. However, there are some issues that we are facing. For instance, with the gravity level here on Neptune it is hard for us to build structures. Also we are running out of food and drinks and need a new shipment very quickly. However, there are some problems that we are having. The natives here on Neptune are not always friendly and sometimes give us trouble. I fear that they will try and retaliate in the near future that we are not ready for...

Back on earth it is important that you start working on some sort of device that allows us to maneuver around better on Neptune. With their lack of gravity it is hard for us to build things, therefore it is necessary that you begin working on some sort of invention that allows us to stay strapped on to the thing that we are working on, or something that straps the thing we are working on to the ground as so it does not move around as much. With this projects completion I see us making great strides in the community’s development over shorter periods of time.

Another important message is that you send up food and drinks very quickly. With the growing population on this planet and the limited amount of food that we can find here we need people on earth to support us and keep us alive. Some of the most important foods that should be sending are bottled water, and canned foods such as soup, meat, and vegetables. I thank you in advance for you quick response with sending foods out to us on Neptune.

Finally the natives of this planet are really starting to be quite a problem. At first things were going smoothly here until someone discovered the new life forms. At first they were gentile and didn’t bother us but now they are starting to change. The more we build I feel it is aggravating them and they are starting to retaliate. Last week they went ahead and un-provokingly started to destroy a new house being made. I feel that we need to get some type of military/security up here to help us fend off these unwanted problems. If we do not begin to protect ourselves from this new life form i feel that we are in grave danger. When aggravated these creatures show brute strength and can easily wipe out our entire colony. It is imperative that you send up any kind of weapons that you have so that we may protect ourselves from these creatures.

I would greatly appreciate a quick reaction to these problems. Other then the things that were listed the project on Neptune is going very smoothly. I think that if we continue to do things as we are we will continue to make huge strides on this new world.

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